Australian Sickle Cell Advocacy Inc.
1300 148 824
Australian Sickle Cell Advocacy Inc.
Supporting People Living With Sickle Cell Disease In Australia And Beyond

Australian Sickle Cell Advocacy Inc looks forward to you joining us for our 3rd Scientific Conference to be held in on 4th November 2023 at Victoria Hotel Melbourne Victoria. We are proud to be supported by Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand the creators of The Blood Meetings which are scheduled from 5th November to 8th November here in Melbourne.

This year’s conference is focusing on advancing sickle cell disease research in Australia and continue the Newborn Screening for Sickle Cell Disease discussion.

This will be a one-day event with invited leading speakers within Australia and other parts of the world. We have a Dinner Gala at the end of the night to finish the day off.

To join us secure your conference tickets vis this link:

Don’t forget to save the date and join us to continue shining the light on Sickle Cell Disease in Australia and beyond. To express interest as a speaker or participant, contact us via this link.


2 Responses

  1. As a person living with Sickle Cell Disease I sincerely wish to attend the 3rd Sickle Cell Scientific conference in person to participate as a speaker.

    I honestly have a lot to share having lived with the disease for 44 years. There are a lot l could share and also learn.

    But l am constrained with distance as l live in Africa, Nigeria precisely. And in my country, for every 10 births registered 3 are born with this genetic disorder. I belong to a sickle cell awareness and advocacy group in Nigeria where l do my very best to senitize and teach about the demerits of birthing children with sickle cell disease. I have as well granted a press interview on the National Television Authority (NTA) in the year 2019 about my journey with sickle cell disease as well as creating awareness about the disease.

    I have also written about my Sickle Cell Life Experience, a collection of stories from other Sickle cell warriors which is to be launched in Melbourne, Australia very soon

    Thank your.

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