On 17th August, ASCA had the pleasure of accepting an invitation from the African Women’s and Families Network Community Conversations. This event was all about raising awareness about family violence. At this event, we heard stories of different types of family violence. We had an opportunity to give a presentation on the need to have genetic testing. Having a child with a medical condition can bring differences in a home.

Hence it is important first of all for families that originate from countries where sickle cell disease is prevalent for example to understand how someone can have sickle cell disease. Thereafter, they need to understand how to get genetic testing to determine if they have the sickle cell trait or the sickle cell disease and understand that both spouses contribute to the genetic condition makeup of a child. This event was very interactive with workshops to identify ways and forms of preventing different types of violence. We would like to thank you African Women’s and Families Network Community for inviting us.